Monthly Archives: February 2016

Jesus Shaped People comes to Headingley.

The Reverend Gordon Dey on the left and The Reverend Tom Lusty of St. Chad's on the right. Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Johnson

The Reverend Gordon Dey on the left and The Reverend Tom Lusty of St. Chad’s on the right. Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Johnson

ST. CHAD’S Church in Far Headingley has been trialling material from the discipleship course created by Jesus Shaped People.

Jesus Shaped People builds on five key priorities in the life and ministry of Jesus and St. Chad’s Church decided to do one of these every month since September last year.

The five priorities are: People, teaching, team building, prayer and prophetic challenge.

This is explored through interactive small groups studies, dynamic preaching and lively worship.

Each of the themes takes three weeks, making a fifteen-week programme in total.

Jesus Shaped People is lead by The Reverend Canon Gordon Dey who designed the course and preached at St Chad’s final theme of the course, Prayer, last month.

The Reverend Tom Lusty, 43, the Vicar at St. Chad’s Church said: “We haven’t done the intensive course, we’ve done a very unintensive look at the material and we’ve done it in our own way, not in a strict order.”

He added: “Having looked at the course, I thought it had real integrity.

“I thought we would benefit from using it here and it seemed to me that the idea of the discipleship course is not about imparting information, but really it’s about instilling these values as a Church, as a congregation, as a community.

“I thought if we could incarnate these values, then we will be more faithful to what it is to be disciples of Jesus.

St. Chad’s Church have lots of people in their congregation who have Doctorates as it is located in a university area of Leeds and Reverend Tom Lusty added: “The Jesus Shaped People have had a lot of success in urban priority areas in a very different context from a university themed Church.”

He explained how the Church have adapted the JSP programme to suit their congregation:



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The Church’s main service is on Sundays at 9:30am.






Half term holiday swimming crash courses given in Headingley.

One of Swimbrite's swimming pools. Photo courtesy of Deborah Masser

One of Swimbrite’s swimming pools. Photo courtesy of Deborah Masser

SWIMMING CRASH courses are being introduced during school holidays for beginners, intermediates and advanced levels.

Swimbrite Swimming School is currently in their eighth year of teaching those of all ages from six months up to 100 years how to swim.

The school follows the ASA National Plan, covering ASA Foundation, Learn to Swim and Coaching, Rookie Lifeguard and Swim and Save Awards.

Deborah Masser, founder and senior swimming instructor of Swimbrite said: “I have been teaching swimming for over 25 years and have a wealth of experience in teaching babies, children and adults of all ages and ability.

“My primary objective is to manage the safety, well being and swimming development of the pupils.”

Swimbrite holds crash courses every February, Easter, May and Summer half term and it involves a lesson every day which hopes to encourage those who attend to learn regularly and progress quicker:

The lessons are held at The Village Hotel and Leisure Club on Otley Road in Headingley and it has been so successful that they are extending branch to Woodhouse Grove in Apperley Lane, Bradford:

Matthew Crowther, leisure club manager of The Village Hotel said: “Swimbrite would be difficult to beat when it comes to reliability, organisation, safety and a passion about teaching swimming.

“Children will look forward to their lessons and want to rebook term after term.”

Swimbrite have also had Elizabeth Wright, a Paralympian attend the school to give a talk about her journey and encourage the pupils to swim.